Monday, February 1, 2016

February 1, 2016

Magandang umaga po sa akin pamilya! 

Another wonderful week as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints here in the Philippines. My district leader Elder Sambile gave us a powerful workshop on Tuesday about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He committed us to mention the Atonement in every single lesson. Including lessons like Word of Wisdom, law of chastity etc. Jesus Christ is central to everything, and as missionaries we must, "have his name on our lips at all times." (Neil. L. Andersen- worldwide missionary broadcast). 

Elder Pedrosa and I are helping one of our investigators and his Lola (grandma) prepare for their baptism on Feb.13! His name is Jasem, he's 14 and is best friends with one of the members.  They're both kind of pasaway (naughty/troublemakers) but he's starting to change and we're trying our best to help build his testimony.  This next week we're going to teach him the importance of repentance (Plan of Salvation and the gospel of Jesus Christ...lessons 2 and 3). 

On Wednesday we went to the branch and had a "one day mission" with the members.  We were able to help the members learn how to teach and then we went and visited less actives. It was effective too because most of them came to church on Sunday

Saturday was zone interviews with President Revillo! I love the conferences, trainings, and interviews because I always learn so much from my leaders!  We had the opportunity to watch the worldwide missionary broadcast, and listen to some of the apostles speak- Elder Bednar and Andersen.  The topic was Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts.  I learned a lot talaga.  The speakers focused on the principles of Preach My Gospel.  I'll share one of the many things I learned.  I cannot forget to teach repentance and it's importance. It's easy to sometimes teach faith in Jesus Christ and then go straight to baptism.  That's something I'm going to change in my teaching...always "cry repentance".
The ZL's and TA's also gave amazing workshops.  Elder Santiago came back! It was great seeing him, catching up, and hearing his workshop about using the 3 month projection system effectively. To summarize it, I need to always be finding! The cycle that he taught was Planting, Nurturing, and Harvesting!
My meeting with President Revillo went so well.  I love meeting with him.  He's so great. His counsel and love really helps me.  I'm grateful for him and I know he's called of God. He also visited Sablayan on Sunday and came to the group sacrament meeting.  It was the most people we've had in the meetinghouse- 85+.  We could barely fit in the room haha. It was truly a miracle.  He announced that the group will become a branch soon! Such great news. 

Well that's about all for this past week family. I continue every day to grow and learn. Missionary work is hard but I know it's not supposed to be easy because salvation is not cheap! 

Elder Johnson

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